
Acupuncture is the insertion of micro-fine needles into the body to facilitate a healing response.  From a Chinese Medical perspective the needles are inserted into specific points that have access to various vectors of the body.  These can include basic skin and muscle stimulation, organ response, emotional reaction or as deep as the constitutional (genetic) level of being.

From a biomedical perspective, as these micro-fine needles are inserted, the body perceives as if it has been wounded.  It than proceeds to instigate a healing response by activating the body’s nervous system, circulatory system, which regulates the production, secretion and transportation of various molecules, including endorphins, neurotransmitters and hormones. By regulating your body’s physiological functions, a state of homeostasis is restored within the body.

Dr Jacob practices Classical Chinese Medicine and uses sterilized, single-use, stainless steel needles.